
Travis CI

Integration and delivery services that are set up for people to sync with cloud projects


83 Votes

An efficient, reliable continuous integration and delivery platform.


tRAvis CI is a hosted, distributed continuous integration service used to build and test software projects hosted at GitHub and Bitbucket. It is a powerful tool, providing automated testing and deployment, making it an integral part of the software development process.

Key Features

tRAvis CI offers a robust set of features that streamline the software development process. It supports over 30 different programming languages, including Python, Java, PHP, and Ruby, allowing a broad spectrum of projects to benefit from its functionality.

It is known for its excellent automated testing capabilities. Once set up, it can automatically run tests whenever changes are pushed to the repository, ensuring the code integrity.

The continuous delivery feature is another key aspect of tRAvis CI. It automatically deploys your applications to the desired hosting platform after all tests have passed, promoting efficient and reliable software delivery.


tRAvis CI is designed to be user-friendly and straightforward. Once connected to GitHub or Bitbucket repository, it automatically detects when a commit has been made and each commit triggers a build. The configuration file, .travis.yml, is easy to understand and modify, providing a flexible system for setting up the build environment.

Moreover, the platform's integration with popular hosting services like Heroku, AWS, and Google Cloud Platform makes the deployment process seamless and straightforward.


tRAvis CI is appreciated for its performance and reliability. It provides fast feedback, and the build process is quick. The platform is stable and runs tests in clean virtual machines with precise control over the build environment. This ensures consistent and reliable results.


tRAvis CI provides comprehensive documentation that guides users through the various aspects of the platform. It also has an active community, where users can seek help and discuss different topics related to the platform.


In conclusion, tRAvis CI is a powerful, efficient, and reliable tool for software development. Its features like automated testing, continuous delivery and support for multiple programming languages make it an excellent choice for developers looking to streamline their development process and improve the quality of their software.

Travis CI
HQ Location
Berlin, Germany
Year Founded
LinkedIn® Page (16 employees)
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